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  • @Laulau1 thank you. We have used Aveeno on and off but he can’t tolerate anything on his skin now as it increases itchiness
  • Thank you so much. Yes we had to switch to morning washes for the same reason. When I tried putting Eumovate on his back (which seems the worst area) it didn’t make any difference but as you say sometimes it’s trial and error with what works. I’m going to ask again about a course of steroids as they’ve been reluctant to…
  • I meant to ask Michelle how was your GVH diagnosed? I’ve heard you can just have itch without the rash but his team aren’t even considering this at all
  • Thank you Michelle. His team dismiss it being GVHD as he has no rash ??‍♀️ It definitely helps to keep things cool, we also have windows open all the time and if he gets uncomfortable during the day he goes outside to try and cool off. The dermatology team have said he has dermographism although he has no rashes, just…
  • Thank you Steve. Nothing has been changed and no sign of anything on his skin. Dermatology say it’s not to do with skin ??‍♀️ I’m starting to wonder if it’s nerve related? Will be on the phone to his team in the morning again!