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  • Hi Helen and Michelle . I’m sorry that you’re having a rotten time , Michelle. Just remember that we’re with you and you can offload at any time . You’ve been such a tower of strength to us and so many more people on this sight so let us try to support you until you are back on track. im joining both of you on the sofa.…
  • Hi my friends . I think even for the healthy person , January can be a long , drab month and so no wonder that we and everyone else struggling with physical and / or emotional stress are feeling down and flat . I think that we’ve got to focus on all the positives - we’re here , I have my daughter and spring will bounce up…
  • Hi Michelle and Helen and Happy New Year . im sorry that it’s taken me a while to get back on here . Lots going on! I’m so pleased to hear that things are going reasonably well for you, Helen although I don’t blame you for getting het up over the young trainee’s comment. I think sometimes they feel as if they should say…
  • Hi Everyone . I think that we’re all having struggles and probably the cold weather and dark nights doesn’t help our bodies or our mood . However, we’re all here, supporting each other and putting one foot in front of the other every day. Alison, it’s so nice to hear from you. I don’t think the grief ever lifts , I think…
  • Hello Michelle and Helen sorry I haven’t managed to check in for a while but I’ve enjoyed catching up with your chat especially the positive things that you’ve been sharing. Helen, it must be so wonderful for you to have the lenses and the experience the benefits of vision and no pain . I am so pleased for you and can…
  • Hi Michelle and Helen im hoping that this week is going not too badly for you both . we are definitely into autumn and the leaves are tumbling down here. Beautiful colours to lift our spirits . you are both definitely survivors and don’t have cancer, just like my daughter. I know that the effects of all your treatment and…
  • Hello Michelle and Helen i haven’t been on for a while but always thinking about you both. Michelle, I hope that the gvhd is backing off a bit and the fatigue is not as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I know how challenging every day is and I also know how both yourself and Helen, bravely move forward . Helen, thank you for…
  • Hello my friends None of us are on here so regularly but I think we still have a closeness with each other . i hope that the past week has gone as well as possible for everyone . Helen, I’m sorry that when you were last on here you were having a bit of a dip. I think that was understandable after your trip to England which…
  • Hello everyone I’m sorry that I haven’t been on here for a while . A lot going on! Helen I’m so sorry that you are feeling under the weather and totally understand that a cold for you is not simply a cold! I think you’ve done amazingly well to go on holiday and I hope that whether you are still on holiday or home , that…
  • Hello Everyone I just want to check in and hope that you are all managing to trundle along . Helen, your last text was so upbeat and I’m really hoping that your mobility and general well being is still on the up. I also hope that you managed the journey to be with your husband and that went well. Hopefully, seeing the sea…
  • Hello Helen . It’s good to hear that you are moving forward . I know that you have a lot to contend with and that you are in constant pain but you do so well to keep cheerful i think you are amazing to plan to undertake a plane journey on your own . I would be hard pushed to do that and I haven’t been through half of what…
  • Hello everyone . I’m so sorry to hear how you are all suffering in different ways with gvhd. I think you all do so well to keep going, being so interested in others and keeping as positive as possible . Helen, I’m glad that you feel that the ecp is helping and I really hope that you continue to benefit from it. Michelle,…
  • Hello everyone . It’s been a wee while since anyone was on here and I’m just hoping that you are all trundling along with no major hiccups . i know that you all have daily challenges and just want you to know that I’m thinking about you all- Michelle, Helen , Dave . i also hope Beaglegirl that you are getting through each…
  • Great to hear that you too are feeling brighter , Helen. Thank you for your kind words . ❤️
  • I’m so pleased to hear that the new meds are working and that you feel much brighter and more positive , Michelle. it’s so good to hear positive news. It brightens us all up . ❤️
  • Hi Helen thank you for your kind text and also for sharing some of your feelings regarding your illness. I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through but although you understandably have dips when the gvhd seems overwhelming , you must try to focus on the better days .i know that’s It’s so easy for me to give advice…
  • Hello Michelle , Helen and Dave I’m so sorry that you are all being faced with so many health challenges . I can’t begin to understand what you are all going through but I do know that you are all so resilient and even if it doesn’t seem that way to you sometimes , it certainly seems that way to me . I hope that the sunny…
  • Helen, it’s so good to hear that the ecp is going well and you are now managing to enjoy your food . You sound so much more positive which is wonderful and I hope that this better journey continuesi🦋 It is also great to hear that you feel that you are moving in the right direction, Dave . I know that it must seem slow and…
  • Oh Helen - I think that you really need to be kind to yourself. You have gone through and are going through so much and it’s no wonder that you sometimes feel overwhelmed with it all. I can remember at the beginning of my daughter’s journey , reading about the phsychological impact of such a serious illness . My daughter…
  • Thank you so much, Helen . It’s so good that she’s doing well at the moment . I tell her about my friends here and how you are all struggling in different ways. I also tell her how strong in character you all are and so supportive to each other and to me . She doesn’t know you all and yet she’s in awe of everyone here .…
  • Hello everyone . You all are struggling so much and yet how you all try to boost each other up and always have kind words to say. I can’t get involved too much in your symptom chat as I have not gone through it . I do however, think that the “ health and wellbeing “ chat is good for us all to participate in and encourage…
  • Hello everyone and lovely that you have all been back in our wee group and as always, supporting and helping each other . You are all going through so much and everyone of you is facing your daily challenges with so much courage. Dave, I’m really sorry that you are still struggling so much and have the additional worry of…
  • Hi Everyone I'm sorry that I haven’t been around for a wee while but glad to be chatting now Helen, I was really pleased to hear that you managed to get back on the ecp and hope that it is helping though I know that it is early days . You all have to develop so much patience along with everything else that is part of your…
  • Hi Michelle Lovely words that I think we all have to remember especially in the even more difficult times . you have been such a strength to all of us in this group . Please remember that we are all here for you too . I’ve seen via my daughter how mentally stretching this illness is for you all and also for the relatives…
  • Hi everyone. It makes me very sad to read how you are all suffering in your own way and for different reasons. Dave and Helen , I can only imagine just how difficult and downheartening your illness is but Dave you are right- your medics are doing everything possible to help you and when they lose a patient it is very hard…
  • Hello Everyone. I hope that this week has been a little better for you all. Helen, I hope that you’ve been keeping positive and recovering from being in hospital. My daughter had just had a week in hospital . It seems a repeated pattern of bad cough, high temp etc. Her lungs have been damaged with all the treatment and…
  • So glad that you are back home , Helen. you’re right, we’re all in this together and all here for each other . i hope you have a good, peaceful sleep in your own bed tonight. Xx
  • Hi Helen i am so sorry to hear what has been happening with you. It sounds so similar to my daughter. She was also admitted with the RSV virus . As you say, nothing much for the average person with a good immune system but so debilitating and frightening for those who have a weakened or no immune system. I can understand…
  • Hi beaglegirL lm so sorry that that you are struggling so much. I know that there’s nothing that any of us can do to take away your pain but I’m glad that you are reaching out as we all want to help you in any small way. we’re here to listen and try to be with you through this painful journey. People kept telling me that I…