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Recovery from normal health issues - eg colds!

I'm 370 days post SCT for AML and have been doing really well until last week when I caught a stinking cold. It's gone but I feel as if I've been run over by a bus......energy levels and appetite are poor.

Is this extended slow recovery normal?

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  • Accepted Answer
    Hi Aileen,

    I'm now over 4 years post transplant and it sometimes feels like it takes a little longer than it used to getting over minor bugs. You're just over a year so hopefully as you get further on it will improve. When I pick up a cough or cold it does seem to knock a bit more out of me than it used to.

    The main thing is that you do get over them even if it takes a little longer so it's a case of looking after yourself and being cautious. As Hayley says if you are concerned at all get in touch with your transplant team to get their thoughts and for them to investigate if necessary.

    I hope everything else is going well.




  • Hi Aileen

    Thanks for posting on the forum, I am the nurse specialist in the patient team.

    Unfortunately in the first few years after transplant it will take you a bit longer than before to get over things like colds, its frustrating but entirely normal. The positive is that you seem to have recovered without any concerns. Viruses can affect appetite and energy levels too so make sure you just take it easy and drink enough fluids and this should all improve in the next few weeks. If you are concerned then there is no harm in contacting your transplant centre to discuss it with them. If you start to develop temperatures or a productive cough then you should definitely seek medical advice from either your transplant centre, GP or A&E as this might suggest that you have a bacterial infection. But from what you have described it sounds entirely normal for recovery from a cold a year after transplant.

    Best wishes
  • Thanks Steve & Hadley. Really appreciate your feedback. Seeing my GP for a once over later just to put my mind at rest. One year in from SCT I'm otherwise doing well.
  • Hi Aileen,
    I think we are at virtually the same stage post-transplant (mine was 4 Feb last year - congrats on 1 year btw!). If it is any consolation, I am finding it pretty hard to shake off bugs. I have 3 young children and my wife is a primary school teacher, so there seems to be a pretty constant state of infection in our house. I am just following my gut instinct. Over last summer, I felt pretty poorly and so was on the phone to the transplant team all the time. Now, I feel much better and classify these things more like a "normal" feeling under the weather sort of thing. I reckon you probably know what feels "normal" to you. But if in doubt, I would follow Steve and Hayley's advice and definitely get it checked out.
  • Charts Greg. Many happy returns to you too. I was 19 Feb so yes, almost the same age! Will let the GP give me a check over today and fingers crossed be back up to normal soon.

    Are you back to work yet?
  • Hi Aileen,
    Sorry I never replied to your question. I have started back at work on a reduced hours basis, working from home. My employers have been very understanding which I am very thankful for.
    How are you feeling now? I am hoping you are feeling better than a few weeks ago. What did your GP / transplant team say? I have been dealing with low level infections for about 2 months now - sore throat, sticky eye, chesty cough, that sort of thing - it seems to move around my body - nothing is ever quite bad enough for me to do anything other than over the counter stuff but I wondered if I should do more? At my last meeting, my consultant said my lymphocytes are still low, so maybe it is normal? Also, have you had your childhood vaccinations yet? I am due to have mine but wondered if there were any problems with doing so if I have a cold?
  • Hi Greg. Yes. Well over the cold now....just lingered for a few more days. I've had a number of my vaccinations, but a couple left to have.

    I feel I've been relatively lucky with few external health issues since the transplant. Hope work is going well? I'm now back F/T and loving it.
  • Hi Aileen, that's really great to hear. On the work front, I am taking things really slowly, I guess because I have had these minor infections kicking around - I have 3 young children and my wife is a primary school teacher, so keeping away from bugs is virtually impossible! But I must admit getting back into the working environment does help with the feeling of returning to "normality" (whatever that is!) and I am so glad you are back and feeling the benefit of it. Long may this continue!
    All the best,
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