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  • Thanks for the good luck wishes. I'm in the new unit and it's very nice I have stayed in worse hotel rooms although not everything is up and running. I've had the Chemotherapy.(Cyclophosphamide/Fludarabine) Next comes the TBI total body irradiation for 3 days which I'm still rather anxious about and then the new cells on…
  • Hi everyone, In the past few months there has been some negative stories in the local media about the Hospital I'm having my treatment at. The Christie has a well respected reputation here in the North west and from what I can gather it's supposed to be one of the top Cancer Hospitals in Europe. On the whole I think my…
  • Ok many thanks for all your responses everyone! Time is drawing closer now and I'm due to be admitted to the Christie on the 23rd of this month to start conditioning. You all seem to have had reasonable experiences for what you've been through. Your comments have helped to ease my anxiety a little. On my last appointment I…
  • I had just lost my Mother to Breast Cancer a few months prior to being diagnosed with AML. I was helping to care for her. I was also studying at college at the time and working part time as a Truck Driver not as stressful as some jobs but can be very long hours. I've always felt that the death of my Mother was linked to my…
  • Many thanks for your reply Steve.I'm glad to hear you are recovering well I think like most things in life it is the anticipation that is the worst. The fear of the unknown. I know I can deal with Chemotherapy because I have done on 4 separate occasions now. This last one did take a bit longer to recover though my blood is…