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Military language around cancer - what do you think?

Hi everyone,

I read this interesting article by Kate Granger about the language used to describe cancer and its treatment. Kate talks about the military language commonly used around cancer - battle, fight, warrior, beat. Kate writes that she finds this language uncomfortable and frustrating to hear; she has terminal cancer but doesn't feel that she has 'lost her fight'.

Are there any words or phrases that people use around cancer, blood disorders, or treatments that frustrate or annoy you?



  • I agree- I never thought of Issy as 'fighting', thought she was incredibly brave throughout her treatment. I think each individual decides what's helpful to them- I imagine that some patients feel more empowered thinking they are a strong battle force! In my opinion, the key is making your friends and family aware of the language you feel comfortable with, not everyone is the same and things like this can make a real difference during and after treatment...
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