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It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!

Please read the house rules and keep this community safe for yourself and others.

Hello to new and exsisting members

Hello Everyone

I wanted to say hello to any one new popping on to the forum and alao a hello to exsisting members. Just wondering how everyone is doing?

Multiple counties have seen more changes in recent weeks.

My self im on the boarder of Essex and Hertfordshire so inbetween both a High and medium risk areas.

Also a reminder that we welcome any topic of conversation. If you need advice or reassurance myself and other Online Community Champions are here to listen as are the rest of the Anthony Nolan Team.

You can call Anthony Nolan on 0303 303 0303 if you need to soeak to someone.

Take care,

Online Community Champion

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