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Finding the right information

Getting the facts about transplant can be really important. We've got lots of info on our website about blood cancer, blood disorders, what's involved in transplant and life after transplant: http://www.anthonynolan.org/blood-cancers-and-disorders

We've also got more information about our donor register and how we find matches http://www.anthonynolan.org/how-we-help/matching

You can always let us know if there's any other information and support that might help. Post here or contact patientinfo@anthonynolan.org


  • I'm actually finding this forum very helpful as a link to others that have been through the similar experiences to me. I feel a bit 'left out in the cold'. Not really sure how to explain it.
    The whole experience is so unreal, extreme, & totally unimaginable to someone who hasn't experienced it.
    A lot of the other cancers that are more common have support groups for their specifics, but transplantees don't.
    As I see the forum so far, it's all from those who have been there & got the t-shirt, there don't seem to be any people contemplating the experience. Maybe I'm not the only one feeling this way?
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