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facial hair

Hi everyone, I am in my early recovery from BMT, around +80, and I was wondering if any of you has experienced growth of facial hair with the cyclosporine and if you have been recommended any way of reducing them or make them lighter? I have a lot!

Thank you,




  • Hi Sandra, thanks for posting.

    I remember from my transplant that in the early days of my recovery my facial and body hair came back quite a bit darker and thicker at first then it went again and when it came back again it was more like the original colour. I was on Cyclosporine for a long time after my transplant due to GvHD.

    As a man it wasn't something that troubled me, but I can imagine from a female perspective it would be a little worrying. Hopefully some of our other female forum members can give you some insight from their experiences.

    I hope this helps in the meantime.


  • Hello Sandra,

    I'm post menopausal and when my facial hair started getting thicker and darker I went to a beautician for the one and only time in my life. She said to not use bleaches or cut them. She advised me to pluck them with tweezers and now nearly 2 years past sct, 10 years past visit to beautician, I'm grateful. It hurts more at first but I pluck them (moustache) with a downwards motion and its easier.

    Best of luck,


    PS. If you have more questions DM me on facebook gvhd group.

  • Thanks to you both!

    The nurses said not to touch them because apparently it gets worse, but it is already quite strong.


  • Hi Alessandra,

    I can't imagine what could go wrong apart from getting a follicle infected. Perhaps ask your doc, even though it's banal, self care is important.


  • Hi. Mine was actually better after transplant. I still get facial hair but it can be managed easily with tweezers. The rest of body hair has been greatly reduced. I guess it's something to be grateful for!!

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